He read medicine at the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin Ireland, and was going on to pursue a second professional degree in Architecture when he entered a creative competition held by UNESCO to celebrate the “Decade of Culture” and won.
He has since held a creative director’s position for the Bastille Day celebrations in France, which set the tone for future projects that invariably involves architecture, performance and technology, integrated in highly innovative ways. This led to his ongoing affiliations with some of the most respected intellectual sources in areas of material science, computer technology, structural engineering and animation, who now form part of his resources for project development and execution.
Kiran is currently heading up the Atma project. The multi-million dollar enterprise will unveil a theatrical facility unlike any other in the world and house a spectacle that will be the Flagship resident show. The project is a closely guarded secret and promises to revolutionise the art of live-entertainment, as we know it.