TEDxPortofSpain School Tour series
“To live side by side with nature” was one of the comments made by a student at the first instalment of the TEDxPortofSpain School Tour series. Students were asked to comment on Social Change, Sustainability and What breaks your/our world.This collaborative effort between TEDxPortofSpain and UNESCO attracted 50 students from secondary schools in the POS region to the St. Francis Xavier Heritage Hall, St. Joseph’s Convent POS for a Friday afternoon adventure.
Moderator and TEDxPortofSpain Volunteer, Sydney Joseph encouraged the students to join hands in a funny, epic edition of multi-player thumb war. They were all victorious with some even becoming “legendary grandmaster” champions.
One of the TED talks viewed was “Paper beats plastic – How to rethink environmental folklore?” by Leyla Acaroglu. This prepared the way for a deep conversation café at which small groups of students teased out the messages and commented on some of the actions which could be taken locally to change our attitudes towards environmental sustainability.
“Most of us want to do the right thing when it comes to the environment. But things aren’t as simple as opting for the paper bag”, says sustainability strategist Leyla Acaroglu. A bold call for us to let go of tightly-held green myths and think bigger in order to create systems and products that ease strain on the planet.
The TEDxPortofSpain team plans to continue engaging students around critical issues via the TEDxPortofSpain School Tour series.
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