Kerina Brereton-Thomas On April 19th 1981, the world was graced with the birth of this bouncing baby, who later became known as Kerina Brereton. Her inability to stand still at the sound of any rhythm lead to her enrollment as a member of the Les Enfants Dance Company at the tender and impressionable age of four years old. Taking the company by storm, Kerina made her stage debut in 1986;…
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Share with your neighbour or a stranger. Give of your food, and your food for thought. Picnic with us from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm at the Hollows. Open mic begins at 5:00 pm. Tell your stories of triumph or failure, of persistence and hardwork, of your worthy causes, of your strength because you are a warrior, of your everyday fight to make a small difference, your ambitions and dreams…
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Reality revisited is an interesting topic, and in my opinion the most important task if we are to differentiate between those who live their lives as leaders and innovators who want to contribute and progress, and the followers who live ”their” lives by inherited and adopted beliefs only, who often find themselves “stuck”. To revisit your reality means to challenge your current points of view, the ones which constantly, both consciously and unconsciously, shape…
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