The wellspring of experiences from which he draws includes directorships of several private sector Boards, government-appointed committees and Task Forces including Trinidad and Tobago’s Vision 2020 Core Group and the Task Force on the Future of BWIA. Dr. Farrell, Economist/Lawyer/Mediator has published several articles on Caribbean Eco-nomics, Central Banking and Monetary Integration. His latest publication provocatively focuses on what he suggests is the underachievement of Trinidad and Tobago compared to states like Norway, Barbados and Singapore.
In diagnosing the underperformance of T&T he goes be-yond the analysis of policy and implementation and boldly addresses the role of culture and ethnicity. This publication also goes a long way towards creating and sustaining a stream of informed public debate which often does not exist in small Caribbean societies. He now works in the areas of economics, strategy consulting and business development as well as legal advice and mediation.